Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. Tell us what you see as problematic in the post. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act.
Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. Tell us what you see as problematic in the post. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act.
Holky, ženy, chci se zeptat, co si myslite o tom, ze bych chtela najit zenu, ktera by chtela kamaradstvi s vyhodama ale ty vyhody by moc neodkladala a vrhly bychom se na to treba uz na druhem setkani a i na tom prvnim uz by nejake provokovani bylo? Je to pro vas moc rychle nebo vam vadi ze jsem tak mlada? Sice kratce ale momentalne uz asi i zoufale hledam nejakou takovou zenu, zkusenejsi, starsi, dle mych predstav, ale nemohu na zadnou natrefit. Nechci aby se zena citila vyuzite, ja bych ji rada opecovavala. Tak jestli tady nejaka zena takova je a jeste jsem si s ni nepsala, tak bychom si mohly napsat. Nechci nikoho zklamat a tak dopredu rikam, ze sympatie musi byt vzajemne, hlavne kdyz jde o vyhody…
Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. Tell us what you see as problematic in the post. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act.
Ráda bych nášla nejdrive kamaradku, a pokud budou naše duše spriznene, rada bych to posunula na važnejší uroven. Vzdycky se mi libily zeny kolem a nad 40, ale nejsem uzavrena skoro zadnemu veku, mozna krom mladsich nez jsem ja.
Thank you for looking out for the safety and well-being of our community. The more detailed information you provide, the more efficiently and quickly we can act. If you suspect that this is a fake profile, don't forget to send us a link to the original photos.
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