Rules of Conduct
Notice regarding the language priority of the web terms.
In the event of any inconsistencies, contradictions or errors in translation between the English and Czech versions of our web terms, the Czech version shall be the primary and final terms. Czech conditions take precedence and will always apply over English conditions. If you have any questions about the content or interpretation of the Website Terms, please contact us for further information and clarification.
In our everyday life, politeness and a nice smile are a matter of course. Unfortunately, in the anonymous world of the Internet, good manners are often forgotten. To avoid any inconvenience, we have compiled an overview of the most important rules of conduct for you.
My profile: Profiles that contain illegal, vulgar or otherwise offensive expressions will be completely removed. Registration under multiple user accounts is strictly prohibited!
Publishing content: It is strictly forbidden to share content with racist or offensive motifs, bank details, residential addresses, email addresses, phone numbers, URLs, commercial links, company logos anywhere on the LesbianPlanet website. We encourage you to exercise the same caution when disclosing details about yourself to third parties as you would in any other circumstances.
Spamming is not allowed! If we find that you are sending spam messages or messages with inappropriate content we can temporarily suspend your account and in extreme cases even delete your account. We want to create an environment where our community feels safe so we ask that you follow the rules.
Commercial Posts: Posts containing advertising messages can only be shared using the Ad Campaign Guide. All other ad sharing options are prohibited!
Sanctions: If there is a violation of the rules, the user is notified of this violation. In the event of a serious violation, it is at our discretion whether the account will be terminated immediately.
Reporting Harassing Members: Using manual review of member profiles and automatic data filtering, LesbianPlanet strives to protect its members from fraud, spam and harassment. However, it may happen that our system does not immediately recognize unwanted content. Please support us in our efforts and report users who violate these rules of conduct or do not comply with our Terms of Use.
How we moderate and verify photos: We use a combination of automated systems and a team of moderators to monitor and review content that may indicate a violation of our Terms of Use as well as this Code of Conduct. If you do not respect these rules, a moderator or the system may limit access to your account on LesbianPlanet, permanently delete it, or force identity verification. To verify your identity (on the verification page), you need to send a photo with the desired gesture, as well as a photo of you holding a piece of paper with your registered email address. We may also additionally ask you to provide identification documents, photographs and any other evidence to prove your identity. If you do not agree to identity verification, your account will be automatically deleted within a short period of time. If you wish to delete the account immediately, write a request to
These policies apply to your use of LesbianPlanet and form part of your agreement with us. This Policy sets out what is and is not allowed on LesbianPlanet.
In this Policy, defined terms have the same meaning as in our Terms of use for all users.
1. Use LesbianPlanet for your own personal use only and do not sell, rent, transfer or share your account or any content obtained through your use of LesbianPlanet with anyone else. 2. Use LesbianPlanet only in a manner and for a purpose that is lawful. 3. Do not upload, display or post content on LesbianPlanet that is illegal, fraudulent, defamatory, hateful, discriminatory, threatening, harassing, incites or promotes violence or any illegal activity. 4. Do not use LesbianPlanet in any way that may abuse, harm, or attempt to abuse or harm any person under the age of 18, such as by exposing them to inappropriate content not marked with an 18+ button. 5. Do not upload, post, display or publish content on LesbianPlanet that:
a) displays, includes or refers to:
I. any natural person under the age of 18; or
II. any other person, unless you have written documentation confirming that all persons depicted or included or referred to in your content are over the age of 18, and you have written consent from each individual to use their name or photograph (or both);b) displays, promotes, advertises or refers to:
I. firearms, weapons or any goods the sale, possession or use of which is subject to prohibitions or restrictions;
II. drugs or drug paraphernalia; III. self-harm or suicide; IV. incest;V. sodomy;
VI. violence, rape, hypnosis, intoxication, sexual assault, torture, sadomasochistic abuse or hard bondage, extreme fisting or genital mutilation;
VII. necrophilia; VIII. urine, scatological material or material related to excrement; IX. "revenge porn" (which is any sexually explicit material containing any person who has not given prior express and fully informed consent for that material to be (a) captured, captured or otherwise stored or (b) published and shared on LesbianPlanet) ;X. escort services, sex trafficking or prostitution;
C) contains, promotes, advertises or refers to hate speech (which is content designed to defame, humiliate, dehumanize, exclude, attack, threaten or incite hatred, fear and violence against a group or individual based on race, ethnic origin, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, disability, serious illness, or any other protected characteristic);
d) contains or refers to anyone else's personal, private or confidential information (for example, phone numbers, location information (including addresses and GPS coordinates), names, identification documents, email addresses, LesbianPlanet logins including passwords and security issues, financial information including bank account and credit card details, biometrics and medical records) without that person's express written consent;
e) gives the impression that it originates from or is endorsed, licensed by us or any other person or company;
f) is used or intended to be used to obtain money or other benefit from anyone else in exchange for the removal of the Content; and/or
g) includes or promotes third party commercial activities or sales, such as contests, sweepstakes and other sales promotions, product placements, advertisements or job or employment advertisements, without our prior express consent.
6. Do not use LesbianPlanet to stalk, bully, abuse, harass, threaten or intimidate anyone else. 7. Do not use LesbianPlanet to engage in misleading or deceptive conduct or conduct that is likely to mislead or defraud another user. 8. Respect the intellectual property rights of creators, including by not uploading, reproducing, sharing with the public, or otherwise disseminating their content without permission. 9. Don't do anything that infringes our rights or the rights of anyone else, including intellectual property rights (examples include copyright, trademark, confidential information and goodwill), personality rights, unfair competition, privacy and data protection rights. 10. Do not impersonate us, any of our employees, another user or any other person or company or falsely state or imply any connection, endorsement, sponsorship between you and us or any other person or company. 11. Do not provide false account registration information or use third-party information or content. 12. Do not post or cause to be posted any content that is spam, the intent or effect of which is to artificially increase impressions and interactions. 13. Do not transmit or otherwise transmit any pre-recorded audio or visual material during a live broadcast or otherwise attempt to pass off recorded material as a live broadcast. 14. Do not use other media or methods (such as using code words or signals) to communicate anything that violates this policy. 15. Do not reproduce, print, distribute, attempt to download, modify, create derivative works from, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any Content. 16. Do not knowingly insert any viruses, Trojan horses, worms or other material that is or may be harmful into the Content. 17. Do not decompile, disassemble, reverse engineer, or otherwise attempt to discover or derive the source code of LesbianPlanet. 18. Do not use LesbianPlanet in a way that could adversely affect our systems. 19. Do not use any automated program, tool or process (such as robots, automated scripts) to access LesbianPlanet. 20. Do not use the LesbianPlanet name, logo or any related or similar names, product and service names, designs or slogans except in limited ways as expressly permitted in the Terms or with our prior written agreement.
Violation of this policy may result in the suspension or termination of your account, removal of access, as well as denial of access to your earnings.
Last updated: 6/15/2022